Opensource, CMS, PHP, MySql, Drupal, Frameworks

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Rotate content using jquery

Create the sticky_rotate.js

var StickyRotate = StickyRotate || {};
StickyRotate.init = function() {
var stickies = $(".sticky");
// If we don't have enough, stop immediately.
if (stickies.size() <= 1 || $('#node-form').size() > 0) {
var highest = 100;
stickies.each(function () {
var stickyHeight = $(this).height();
if(stickyHeight > highest) {
highest = stickyHeight;
stickies.hide().css('height', highest + 'px');
StickyRotate.counter = 0;
StickyRotate.stickies = stickies;
setInterval(StickyRotate.periodicRefresh, 7000);

StickyRotate.periodicRefresh = function () {
var stickies = StickyRotate.stickies;
var count = StickyRotate.counter;
var lastSticky = stickies.size() - 1;
var newcount;
if (count == lastSticky) {
newcount = StickyRotate.counter = 0;
else {
newcount = StickyRotate.counter = count + 1;
stickies.eq(count).fadeOut('slow', function () {

Call the script by using 

Ref book: Drupal 6 JavaScript and jQuery